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Mother VP fonts from VP Creative Shop - (niwhi)

Mother VP
Mother VP Mother VPMother VP

Introducing Mother Serif Typeface - 5 fonts

Mother is named after all the moms and children left behind. 

This typeface is feminine, fragile typeface with 5 fonts loaded with ligature glyphs, alternates and multilingual support to enchant your next project. Very versatile fonts that works great in large and small sizes.

Mother is perfect for branding projects, home-ware designs, product packaging, magazine headers - or simply as a stylish text overlay to any background image.

  • Uppercase, lowercase, numeral, punctuation & Symbol
  • Light
  • Regular
  • Medium
  • Bold
  • Black
  • ligature glyphs ab ac ad ae ag ai al am an ap ar as at au ba be bi bl bo br ca cc ce ch ci cl co cr cs ct cu da de di do dr ea ec ed ee ei el em en eo ep er es et eu fa fb ffb fh ffh fj fk ffk ft fft ga gi gl gn go gr ha he hi ho hy ic id ie il im in io ip ir is it iv ka ke la le li ll lo lu ma me mi mo mp na nc nd ni no nt oc od ol om op or os ot ou pa pe pi po ra rc rd re ri ro sh si sm sp su ta te th ti to tr ts tt ul um un ur us ut ff fi fl ffi ffl st 
  • alternates
  • Multilingual support

How to access alternate glyphs?

To access alternate glyphs in Adobe InDesign or Illustrator, choose Window Type & Tables Glyphs

In Photoshop, choose Window Glyphs. In the panel that opens, click the Show menu and choose Alternates for Selection. Double-click an alternate's thumbnail to swap them out.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

Mock ups and backgrounds used are not included.

Thank you! Enjoy!

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